Systems Trading Reporting
Daily Results
Follow along each day to see if the system you are studying or auto-trading traded. All results posted are actual, and StoneX Financial Inc uses Average Price System (APS) so that all clients enjoy the same fills. These results are posted daily by 4pm CST.

*** Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Results are key punched and subject to human error.

Last Trading Date: 2025-03-13
Day Trading Systems
System Market Date Direction Buy Sell Result
Abacus Raider Xtreme E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 Long 19233.00 19295.25 $1,245.00
ANT MES 10-2 Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5565.50 5593.00 $137.50
ANT MES 10-2 Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5563.75 5561.00 ($13.75)
ANT MES 10-2 Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5546.75 5564.25 $87.50
ANT MES 10-3 Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5565.50 5592.75 $136.25
ANT MES 10-3 Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5563.75 5561.00 ($13.75)
Bandwagon ES E-Mini S&P 03/13/25 Short 5523.00 5540.25 $862.50
Bandwagon MES Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5521.86 5539.96 $90.50
DC CL3 Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.45 66.58 $130.00
DC CL3 Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.45 66.58 $130.00
DC GC5 Gold 03/13/25 Long 2953.60 2994.90 $4,130.00
DC GC5 Gold 03/13/25 Long 2953.60 2994.90 $4,130.00
DC MCL3 Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.45 66.57 $12.00
DC MCL3 Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.45 66.57 $12.00
DC MGC5 Micro Gold 03/13/25 Long 2953.80 2994.90 $411.00
DC MGC5 Micro Gold 03/13/25 Long 2953.80 2994.90 $411.00
Edvardus - Breakout Gold Gold 03/13/25 Long 2975.90 2977.40 $150.00
GSBsys1GC Gold 03/13/25 Long 2980.80 2991.70 $1,090.00
GSBsys1NQV2 E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19485.00 19357.00 ($2,560.00)
GSBsys21MES Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5528.75 5559.25 $152.50
Hoid 23-6 HO Heating Oil 03/13/25 Short 216.31 217.52 $508.20
Hoid 5 HO Heating Oil 03/13/25 Short 216.31 217.51 $504.00
iDay Micro Portfolio Micro Gold 03/13/25 Long 2963.40 2967.90 $45.00
iDay Micro Portfolio Micro Gold 03/13/25 Long 2975.70 2991.40 $157.00
iDay Micro Portfolio Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.56 67.00 $44.00
iMCL Gap And PB Crude Oil 03/13/25 Short 66.56 67.00 $44.00
iMGC ShinyStuff Micro Gold 03/13/25 Long 2975.70 2991.40 $157.00
iMNQ Munchkin Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19356.75 19352.00 ($9.50)
Intraday Momentum E-Mini S&P 03/13/25 Short 5540.75 5539.00 ($87.50)
Jupiter MNQ Moon Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19317.00 19461.00 $288.00
Jupiter MNQ Moon 2 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19460.31 19460.60 $0.58
Jupiter MNQ Moon 3 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19431.25 19348.50 ($165.50)
Jupiter MNQ Moon 4 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19407.00 19352.25 ($109.50)
RC831 Combo ID8 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19277.89 19217.75 ($120.28)
Robid 23-7 RB RBOB Gasoline 03/13/25 Long 214.83 213.56 ($533.40)
RP GC Gold 03/13/25 Long 2950.90 2991.50 $4,060.00
TFT MicroDayTrader Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19450.75 19374.25 ($153.00)
TFT MicroDayTrader Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5522.50 5540.25 $88.75
TFT MicroDayTrader Micro ES 03/13/25 Short 5527.00 5538.25 $56.25
TFT MicroDayTrader Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19377.75 19296.25 ($163.00)
Tradercodes NQ Variant Four Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19395.50 19552.42 $313.84
Tradercodes NQ Variant Four Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19482.08 19502.83 $41.50
Tradercodes NQ Variant Four Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19377.83 19385.25 $14.84
Tradercodes NQ Variant Four Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19284.00 19321.58 $75.16
Tradercodes NQ Variant Four Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 Short 19302.50 19311.50 $18.00
Yvar YM Mini Dow 03/13/25 Short 40878.00 41221.00 $1,715.00
Yvar YMM Micro E-mini Dow 03/13/25 Short 40878.00 41223.00 $172.50

Other Systems
System Market Entry Exit Pos. Dir. Buy Sell Result
A-Cubed 100k Portfolio Japanese Yen 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 0.6820 0.6818 ($18.75)
Abacus Index Portfolio E-Mini S&P 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 5540.00 5524.00 ($800.00)
Abacus Surge RTY E-mini Russell 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2027.10 2015.50 ($580.00)
Aberration (Mid-size) RBOB Gasoline 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 215.09 210.64 ($1,869.00)
Alpha Portfolio Japanese Yen 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 0.6837 0.6820 ($212.50)
Alpha Portfolio E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19580.00 19491.12 ($1,777.60)
Alpha Portfolio E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19318.50 19567.38 $4,977.60
Alpha Portfolio Gold 03/13/25 03/14/25 EXIT Long 2960.10 3001.10 $4,100.00
Alpha Portfolio Crude Oil 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 66.57 66.95 $380.00
Altitude Elite AMM Feeder Cattle 03/11/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 279.28 281.33 $1,025.00
Altitude Elite AMM Corn 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 462.25 459.25 ($150.00)
Altitude Platinum Natural Gas 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 4.675 4.200 ($4,750.00)
Altitude Platinum Corn 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 462.25 459.25 ($150.00)
B&B MES Micro ES 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 5518.25 5553.25 $175.00
B&B MES Micro ES 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Long 5518.00 ---- OPEN
Combo Breakout 1 E-Mini S&P 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 5553.50 5515.75 ($1,887.50)
Combo Breakout 2 E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19522.67 19569.08 $928.20
Combo Breakout 2 E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19318.42 19334.92 $330.00
Combo Breakout 3 RBOB Gasoline 03/13/25 03/14/25 EXIT Short 213.96 213.39 ($239.40)
DC Diversified Gold 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2953.60 2994.90 $4,130.00
DC Diversified Gold 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2953.60 2994.90 $4,130.00
DC Diversified Crude Oil 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 66.45 66.58 $130.00
DC Diversified Crude Oil 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 66.45 66.58 $130.00
DC S2 Soybeans 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 1014.50 995.50 ($950.00)
DC S2 Soybeans 03/13/25 03/14/25 EXIT Long 1016.25 1006.25 ($500.00)
GATTS Gold 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2922.60 2980.40 $5,780.00
GSBSwingAG101MES Micro ES 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 5620.25 5540.50 ($398.75)
Jiant Breakout E-Mini NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19317.93 19556.71 $4,775.60
Jiant Breakout Crude Oil 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 66.57 66.94 $370.00
Jiant Breakout RBOB Gasoline 03/13/25 03/14/25 EXIT Short 213.98 213.36 ($260.40)
Jupiter M2K SW2 Micro Russell 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2024.60 1993.90 ($153.50)
Jupiter SW3 MNQ v5 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19414.50 19364.00 ($101.00)
Jupiter SW6 MNQ v4 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19414.50 19361.25 ($106.50)
KJ Trading Diversified Micro/Small Crude Oil 03/11/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 67.79 65.87 ($192.00)
KJ Trading Diversified Micro/Small Crude Oil 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Long 67.79 ---- OPEN
KJ Trading Diversified Micro/Small Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19228.50 19501.00 $545.00
MGC-1820 Micro Gold 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2943.60 2965.20 $216.00
MGC_90 1268 Micro Gold 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2920.20 2991.70 $715.00
Ogawa LH Lean Hogs 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Short ---- 85.81 OPEN
pure Apollo LH S229 Lean Hogs 03/11/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 86.63 87.53 $360.00
pure Apollo MBT Micro Bitcoin 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 83645.00 83850.00 $20.50
pure Apollo MBT Micro Bitcoin 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 82140.00 82295.00 $15.50
pure Apollo MBT Micro Bitcoin 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 83000.00 83255.00 $25.50
Pure Apollo RR Rough Rice 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 1388.50 1380.50 ($160.00)
pure Apollo RR S103 Rough Rice 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 1394.00 1384.00 ($200.00)
pure Apollo RR S1551 Rough Rice 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 1396.00 1384.00 ($240.00)
pure Apollo SF Swiss Franc 03/12/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 114.66 114.64 ($25.00)
pure Apollo SF Swiss Franc 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Short ---- 114.22 OPEN
Quantum Diversified Lean Hogs 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Short ---- 85.81 OPEN
RC831 Larghetto9 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19249.50 19315.75 $132.50
RC831 Lento9 Micro NASDAQ 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 19293.25 19181.00 ($224.50)
sMGC GoldRush Micro Gold 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2963.40 2967.90 $45.00
Triggers and Targets ES E-Mini S&P 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 5550.42 5589.42 $1,950.00
Triggers and Targets Micros Micro ES 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 5552.75 5592.00 $196.25
Triggers and Targets Micros Micro ES 03/13/25 03/13/25 EXIT Short 5555.00 5592.00 $185.00
Universal 2 Swing Trade Starter Portfolio Crude Oil 03/13/25 03/14/25 EXIT Short 67.41 67.05 ($36.00)
Venus SW1 S Soybeans 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Long 1015.75 ---- OPEN
VS MGC Micro Gold 03/10/25 03/13/25 EXIT Long 2914.40 2997.70 $833.00
VS MGC Micro Gold 03/13/25 --/--/-- NEW Long 2996.80 ---- OPEN
Disclaimer The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether this is a suitable investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Futures Trading Disclaimer:
Transactions in securities futures, commodity and index futures and options on futures carry a high degree of risk. The amount of initial margin is small relative to the value of the futures contract, meaning that transactions are heavily "leveraged". A relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited or will have to deposit: this may work against you as well as for you. You may sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited with the clearing firm to maintain your position. If the market moves against your position or margin levels are increased, you may be called upon to pay substantial additional funds on short notice to maintain your position. If you fail to comply with a request for additional funds within the time prescribed, your position may be liquidated at a loss and you will be liable for any resulting deficit.